Heaven Climb
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
Heaven Climb
An infinite runner with a fairytale setting.
Also, there's a cool scarf
- [ a, d ] - movement
- [ w ] - jump
- [ s ] - fall through platforms
- [ left click ] - use item
- [ right click ] - sprint
- [ scroll, numpad ] - select item
- [ space ] - gain ability to fly and pass through blocks for a limited amount of time*
* (To use this ability you first need to have:
- 3 star charges
- gained from clicking on black stars with
- Be careful as you can run out of heat quite quickly, to prevent this, build campfires, collect crystals or re-enter cabin to gain some heat back.
- It is a good idea to chop down a few trees at the start and have more wood in your inventory, so you can use it whenever you need it, without having to chop down a tree.
- You can perform a wall-jump by running into a wall and jumping
- You gain score points from lighting up stars, collecting crystals and chopping down trees.
- You can spend these to heal in the cabin.
Now with pygame-ce!
Install instructions
- Download and unzip the archive, then run HeavenClimb executable.
- You may get an anti-virus warning (this happens to pretty much all games bundled with pyinstaller)
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I played 1.0.4.
I like the fantastic atmosphere a lot.
It is also interesting to get the stars in the background.
The controls were a little difficult to control and I had trouble unintentionally running into the spikes, MEOW!
Thanks! A few things I noticed: Falling trees don't actually hurt you (first time you died was because of the cold). The ability to fly has quite a short duration but lasts infinitely as long as you are inside a wall. You might have noticed but spikes can not generate directly under bushes or trees, so it is safe to fall on them.
The bind button is used to bind controller buttons, does nothing if controller is not connected.
I literally spawend on spikes. It's painful to see that such a beautiful and well made game is so hard and frustating to start off with. It's a shame because you'll lose half your players before they experience the true beauty of the game, which is otherwise a masterpiece.
AAHH the frustration is real, how do I even go higher? I can grapple, but I cant grab onto the walls or anything, and If I wait a single second I die of cold or something?? Why cant I use the wood that I collected for new campfires?? I can only build one and then I'll have to get new wood? But I want to save up wood for later and such!
I stopped playing after trying to actually get somewhere for an hour without luck. BUT I WANT TO PLAY IT SO BADLY BECAUSE ITS SO COOL, please please please have mercy with new players or non-gamers like me lol
Yeah I know, next version will hav that fixed.
Sorry to hear that, it seems that you have misunderstood how the game works quite a bit. To climb walls you can either use grappling or perform walljump by running into the wall and pressing W. You've also misunderstood how the inventory system works, you can collect as much wood as you want and it is all saved in your inventory, the cost of one fireplace is one wood, therefore you indeed can save wood for later.
The coldness is a core part of the game, also there are multiple ways to restore heat: campfires, crystals, re-entering the cabin. I hope this cleared up some thing and that you can enjoy the game fully.
Updated the game description to make some things more clear.
I just played it for a bit on Ubuntu Linux, I didn't know how to play it from the Linux tar file so I got the Windows file and ran it with the wine program on Linux.
I played it for a bit and got used to the keys, I still have a lot to experiment with. Is there an end game? Or the goal is to see how long you can live with those crystal things in the sky?
What languages or frameworks did you use to make it and how long did it take you? It's inspiring, I have some experience with front web development and Linux, and now I'm studying solidity, the smart contract language for the the Ethereum blockchain.
I have a ton of respect for game devs, they are really at and have always been on the bleeding edge of computing. I'd love to hear more about your game dev journey.
You just need to unzip/extract it just as if it was a zip (if you are using graphical tools), otherwise just look up how to extract tar.gz. As it is a n infinite runner there is no real end except seeing how high you can climb as of now. The game is made in python and pygame and took around 2 months to make.
Also you can get wood from chopping down trees to build campfires that keep you warm.
Got it, thanks. It's amazing to see how popular Python is. Usually, I hear of game devs using C++, in this day and age It seems like we can make games with any of these high-level languages.
really good atmosphere and art, the mechanics (moslty the grapple) on the other hand might need a little tuning, and maybe lower the volume of the jump as it gets a bit repetitive, but after all I did enjoy the game :)
Alr, thanks I'll take a note of that.
damn bro the game's desine is amazing thought sometimes the generation looks absurd the game itself still manages to be the chill game with amazin atmosphere